Ran Online Philippines Community Blog

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Battle Royale's Search for "The Fourth"

Guild Nomination has started!!

You can nominate your guild using this format:
a. Guild Name: (please enter the exact name of your guild)
b. Nominated Representative
i. Character Name:
ii. Real Name:
iii. Age:
iv. Occupation:
v. School / Company:
c. Server:
d. Level:
e. Class & Type:

Forum Link:
Guild Registration

SMS Champion
1. This event is open to all Ran PH Players.
2. The user needs to have a Cell Phone in order to join.
3. Valid Telcos are as follows:
a. Globe / Touch
b. Smart / Talk n Text
c. Sun
4. Guilds should nominate only ONE representative through the forum
thread posted
5. On the day of the event, a SMS voting system will be in place.
Voting will start on 12:00mn September 16, 2007
6. Qualified entries are of that date only
7. A user needs to register before he/she can vote by keying in
RANTF REG [username] and send to 2948
8. Voting - RANTF [guild code] to 2948
9. This deducts 2.50 from their current balance mobile; 2.00 for Sun subs
10. The top 10 guilds with the most number of votes will have their nominated
representative join the Battle Royale, THE FOURTH
11. All qualified participants in the tournament will be given special prizes

Nomination ends at exactly September 15 (11:59pm)

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