Ran Online Philippines Community Blog

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tournament of Champions

Globe Broadband Tournament of Champions
November 10, 2007

Cebu Champion
Davao Champion
Manila Champion

Game Version:
EP 2.3
Skill Level 147

Match Rules

1. 3 teams will be competing in a Party vs Party PK match with 4 players on each team

2. Different client will be used in the tournament. Players will battle on a special map defined by the GMs.

3. It is recommended that buffs and other character enhancements should be done prior to the announcement of the match, to avoid hassles during battle.

4. Each school should occupy one side of the map and wait for the tourney facilitator’s signal to start. Each team will also have a marshal to assist the facilitator.

5. It’s hands-off the keyboard once a player’s character falls. The fallen character should not be revived unless resurrected by his team mate.

6. There is no time limit. The battle continues until there is only one school standing.

7. All decisions made by the Game Masters, Facilitators, and Marshals are final. Any disputes and the player forfeits his/her prize.

Character Details:

* 4 characters per team. Only 2 same class per team.
** Ex1: 2 Shamans and 2 Archers
** Ex2: 2 Archers, 1 Swordsman and 1 Brawler

* Players can only select their character lineup only once before the tournament begins.

* All team members must select same school.

* All characters are set at : LV 180 , 540 status points and 180 skill points.

* Each character will get normal set of weapons and clothes (no upgrades).

*Each team will get 100 recovery & energy potions before each match. The 100 potions allotted will be used for the entire match (no repots).

Tournament Details:

* Scores kept by tallying points as follows:
Winner 2-0 = 3 points
Winner 2-1 = 2 points
Loser = 0 points

** Champion = team with highest score

Tournament Schedule:

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Match 1: team 1 vs team 2
Match 2: team 1 vs team 3
Match 3: team 2 vs team 3

Exhibition Match with Team PH

Tournament Champion vs Team PH

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